Prayer Room

Steven Mccormick


Could you please pray for marriage restoration. My wifes name is Leah and my name is Steven. She asked for a divorce 2 months ago and is wanting the divorce to happen so fast. We just put our house on the market. She says she is no longer in love with me after she had an affair last year. I'm standing for our marriage and need as much prayer for us as possible. We have 4 teenagers ( Mitchell 12, Jonathan 14, Chase 14, and Hannah 17) and have been married for 20 years. I need God to do a work in me as well. I believe this is a spiritual battle and she's being deceived by the enemy. Thank you so much, Steven

Natasha Jooste


Please please, I need continued prayers that God helps me. Please also pray that God sends me a husband.

Natasha Jooste


Please please, I need continued prayers that God helps me. Please also pray that God sends me a husband.

Anonymous Anonymous


For my son Cody whose dad died last year and he’s isolating and taking a substance called Kratom.. he knows the Lord Praying fir a miracle !

Ramona Tody


I need prayer. I just got back to work after a unpaid medical LOA. I had a full knee replacement. Praise God it went very well and I’m doing good. That being said my car is having engine problems. I don’t have money for something huge. I pray that it is a small issue and can be fix with a minimum amount of money. I am behind in my mortgage payment. I know God is with me and watching over me but I need his angels too. Thank you.

Gloria Alvarez


Please pray for my husband Luis Alvarez. God has done amazing things in his life. He is currently incarcerated in a high security prison & has been for 34 years. He has been doing amazing things to work on himself these past 6 years. In the prison he is a part of a program that is helping him become a substance abuse counselor. He will take the state exam on 9/16/24, & we would like for you to please pray that be pass the exam. He is studying & trusting our King. If he is granted parole in 2025 he will be able to come home to his new career. He currently mentors inmates that are in recovery in the prison. My husband has turned his life around with Gods help. And I know he isn’t done yet. Thank you in advance.

Daniel nyongesa Wanyonyi


I request you to visit our church in Africa Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and burundi

Anonymous Anonymous


Please pray for my daughter in law, Silvia. She has been asked to officiate a wedding for a gay couple that she is friends with. A Christian couple who are friends of her have talked to her about the impact this could have on her family. Please pray that she will take into consideration that she can love her friends but not their life style and not be a part of this wedding. I pray the Holy Spirit will convict her heart. Please pray for her, as this is weighing heavy on my heart. She won't listen to me so I can't talk to her about this. Thank you.

Anonymous Anonymous


For my son. He is having a hard time with his teenage years. He is having resentment from being homeschooled these years and his hormones are really strong right now. I hate to have him feeling like this and his words were so hurtful towards my wife. I do not know what to do.

Marlena Estelle


Hi, good morning brothers and sisters at Friends Church! I have a prayer update! I know I had asked people to pray for my son Nico’s eye exam a few weeks back and the prayer has been answered. His eyes are well! Praise God! And also, Nico is transitioning to preschool very well. There’s been some rough patches here and there last couple weeks, but overall his teacher and I are so happy for him, and it’s such a blessing for him to be able to have this experience at a young age and get this early start. So I really appreciate everyone who prayed on this for us, thank you very much. Also, I did my last injection for my expanders last week for my breast reconstruction….. So I will be having a surgery date scheduled for this November. Please I ask for more prayer for a great surgery outcome, and safe and fast healing! I have another prayer request for our apartment complex here in Yorba Linda. We are going to be going through a remodels, and we will all be moved out of our units for a while. They will be starting the remodeling in October. Please, you pray for me and Nico, and all the other families in the apartment complex that this is a smooth transition and peace for everybody while we’re going through this. I thank you so much, Friends Church… we love you! Xoxo, Marlena and Nico ♥️

Karen Myers


Hi. I am having breast reconstruction surgery on September 10. Please pray that all goes well. Can you also pray for my daughter Krystle who is pregnant and has high risk pregnancies. Thank you.

Anonymous Anonymous


Continued prayers for 42 yr old Kevin, father of young daughter and step children. He has stage 4 cancer that has spread to many organs. Pray for healing, strength and hope.
